Kellen Rather USASA Central Oregon Series

Bend, OR

Events: 75 28 x Gold 8 x Silver 5 x Bronze

Nationals: 14x Top10 Nationals: 3x Active competitor Active seasons: 6 Locations: 11

2022/2023 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
212023-04-10Group 1 FIS Slopestyle (Nationals)Copper MountainSlopestyleFreeski Open Class Men
132023-04-08Group 1 FS Rail Jam (Nationals)Copper MountainRail JamFreeski Open Class Men
7th2023-03-01Futures Tour FSNorthstar ResortFutures Tour FSFreeski Open Class Men
8th2023-02-14Futures Tour FSMammothFutures Tour FSFreeski Open Class Men
1st2023-02-05Rail Jam 1Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski Open Class Men
1st2023-02-05Rail Jam 2Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski Open Class Men
162023-02-01Futures Tour FS Men - FIS Membership RequiredWoodward Park CityFutures Tour FS Men - FIS Membership RequiredFreeski Open Class Men
1st2023-01-28Slopestyle 3Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Open Class Men
1st2023-01-21Slopestyle 2Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Open Class Men
1st2023-01-07Slopestyle 1Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Open Class Men

2021/2022 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
442022-04-13Group 4 Slopestyle (Nationals)Copper MountainSlopestyleFreeski Youth (15-16) Men
6th2022-04-12Freeskier 15-22 M & W Rail Jam (Nationals)Copper MountainRail JamFreeski 15-22 Men
1st2022-03-10Futures Tour FSNorthstarFutures Tour FSFreeski Youth (15-16) Men
2nd2022-02-19Rail Jam 2 at Mt BachelorMt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 15-22 Men
1st2022-02-19Rail Jam 1 at Mt BachelorMt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 15-22 Men
1st2022-01-23Slopestyle 2 at Mt BachelorMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Youth (15-16) Men
242022-01-20Futures Tour FSMammothFutures Tour FSFreeski Youth (15-16) Men
1st2022-01-15Slopestyle 1 at Mt BachelorMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Youth (15-16) Men

2020/2021 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
5th2021-04-112021 PNW Regional Championships Rail JamMt. Hood MeadowsRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
2nd2021-04-102021 PNW Regional Championships HalfpipeMt. Hood MeadowsHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
4th2021-04-092021 PNW Regional Championships SlopestyleMt. Hood MeadowsSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
3rd2021-03-19Futures Tour Mens FSWinter ParkFutures Tour Mens FSFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
2nd2021-02-24Central Oregon Halfpipe 1Mt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
2nd2021-02-24Central Oregon Halfpipe 2Mt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
1st2021-01-27Central Oregon Slopestyle 2Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
1st2021-01-27Central Oregon Slopestyle 1Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
1st2021-01-20Central Oregon Rail Jam 2Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
1st2021-01-20Central Oregon Rail Jam 1Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
4th2021-01-16Slopestyle 2TimberlineSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
3rd2021-01-16Slopestyle 1TimberlineSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (13-14) Boys
1st2021-01-15Rail Jam 3 Friday Night LightsMt. Hood MeadowsRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
2nd2021-01-15Rail Jam 4 Friday Night LightsMt. Hood MeadowsRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
2nd2021-01-08Rail Jam 1 Friday Night LightsMt. Hood MeadowsRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys
1st2021-01-08Rail Jam 2 Friday Night LightsMt. Hood MeadowsRail JamFreeski 11-14 Boys

2019/2020 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
412020-04-08Group 3 Skiercross (Nationals)Copper MountainBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
132020-04-07Group 3 Slopestyle (Nationals)Copper MountainSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
6th2020-04-06Group 3 Halfpipe (Nationals)Copper MountainHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
232020-04-05Freeskier 10-13 B & G Rail Jam (Nationals)Copper MountainRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
1st2020-03-07Mt Bachelor Halfpipe 1 Dual Comp with Hood - Date ChangeMt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-03-01Mt Bachelor Rail Jam 2Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
2nd2020-03-01Mt Bachelor Rail Jam 3Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
1st2020-02-29Mt Bachelor Halfpipe 3Mt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-02-17Timberline Slopestyle 3 Dual Comp at HoodMt Hood TimberlineSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-02-17Timberline Presidents Slope 3TimberlineSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-02-16Meadows Halfpipe 2 Dual Comp at HoodMt. Hood MeadowsHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-02-02Mt Bachelor Rail Jam 1Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
1st2020-02-01Mt Bachelor Slopestyle 1Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
2nd2020-01-05Mt Bachelor Boardercross Skiercross 2Mt. BachelorBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2020-01-04Mt Bachelor Boardercross Skiercross 1Mt. BachelorBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys

2018/2019 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
232019-04-10Group 3 Skiercross (Nationals)Copper MountainBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
172019-04-09Group 3 Slopestyle (Nationals)Copper MountainSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
222019-04-08Group 3 Halfpipe (Nationals)Copper MountainHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2019-02-21Rail Jam 4 Winterfest 13 and UnderWinterfest Bend OregonRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
3rd2019-02-18Halfpipe 2Mt. Hood MeadowsHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
5th2019-02-18Halfpipe 1Mt. Hood MeadowsHalf PipeFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
5th2019-02-03Slopestyle 2TimberlineSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
3rd2019-01-26Slopestyle 1Mt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
5th2019-01-13Rail Jam 1Mt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
3rd2019-01-06Boardercross Skiercross 2Mt. BachelorBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys
1st2019-01-05Boardercross Skiercross 1Mt. BachelorBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Breaker (12-13) Boys

2017/2018 season

Place Date Event Location Discipline Division
322018-04-11Group 3 Skiercross (Nationals)Copper MountainBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
512018-04-10Group 3 Slopestyle (Nationals)Copper MountainSlopestyleFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
9th2018-04-09Group 3 Halfpipe (Nationals)Copper MountainHalf PipeFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
4th2018-03-04Slopestyle 4 COUSASA WSPL USCSA AFP BronzeMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
4th2018-03-03Halfpipe 3 COUSASA WSPLMt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
4th2018-03-03Halfpipe 4 COUSASA WSPLMt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
6th2018-03-02Halfpipe 2 COUSASA WSPL USCSA AFP BronzeMt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
6th2018-03-02Halfpipe 1 COUSASA WSPL USCSA AFP BronzeMt. BachelorHalf PipeFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
4th2018-02-11Slopestyle 3 COUSASA WSPL USCSA AFP BronzeMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
102018-02-10Rail Jam 2 COUSASA USCSAMt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
102018-02-10Rail Jam 3 CUSASA USCSAMt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
1st2018-02-07Slopestyle 1 COUSASA WSPL USCSA Moved from Jan 13thMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
4th2018-02-07Slopestyle 2 COUSASA WSPL USCSAMt. BachelorSlopestyleFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys
102018-01-13Rail Jam 1 COUSASA USCSA - Moved from Jan 27thMt. BachelorRail JamFreeski 10-13 Boys
1st2018-01-06Boardercross Skiercross 1 COUSASAMt. BachelorBoardercross / SkicrossFreeski Menehune (10-11) Boys

Kellen Rather

Kellen Rather out of Bend, OR
No sponsors listed.

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